Dr. Sarah Yeo completed her PhD in Health Behavior Health Promotion at the University of Arizona. Her dissertation focused on healthcare access and utilization among refugee women and healthcare navigation. She developed the healthcare navigation competency scale for refugees as a tool to measure the level of competency among refugees in navigating the healthcare system in the US.
In her early career, she worked as an evaluation and research specialist at World Vision, a prominent international development organization for more than six years. For more than six years, she led and managed various research and evaluation endeavors in different parts of the world, employing diverse research methodologies such as cross-sectional surveys, anthropometric measurements, qualitative methods such as focus group discussions, in-depth interviews, and participant observations. She is a Professional Trainer for MAXQDA, a qualitative data analysis software.
Currently, her research involves identifying multilevel factors that infuence cancer prevention including modifable risk factors and cancer screening behaviors and healthcare access and utilization among refugees.